How To Network Using Journalism Techniques

Here are a few examples of how you can network with potential employers by employing journalism techniques:

Conduct some research and make use of your resources.

I usually perform some homework before approaching a source for an interview. It would be fantastic if I understood everything there is to know about something, but that is not the case. The wonderful thing about research nowadays is that you can do a fair lot of it from any place. Access to information has never been easier, whether you’re using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. If you don’t have any of these items, most public libraries offer free computer access to guests. Now comes the challenging part. What plan do you use to determine who you’ll contact? That depends entirely on the situation. Let’s say you need to speak with a networking expert. Simply entering your keywords, which would be networking specialist, into your preferred browser can bring you to someone. You can get lucky and come upon a list of networking specialists, or you might come across networking-related articles. It’s never a bad idea to click on articles related to your topic because you can find sources there. Perhaps the author of the post enjoys networking and is regarded as an expert on the subject. If you keep going in this direction, you’ll eventually come across some important people to speak with.

Set Up A Meeting With Potential Employers

It’s time to set up a date now that you’ve discovered some folks to talk to. You can find out how to contact someone online, just as you can find out how to access information online. If you’ve found some folks you’d like to start networking with and only have their full names but no contact information, putting their words into your web browser is a smart place to start. If we’re still searching for a networking expert, there’s a strong likelihood they’ll have a website, and an excellent website will have contact information. If your source doesn’t have a website, try using social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Although you may not obtain a direct phone number, you can utilise the direct message tool on any social media networks listed above or even add them to your friend’s list to catch their attention. Don’t be alarmed if they don’t answer right away. Instead, send them a different message (without being too pushy). If it doesn’t work out, restart your search and look for other people to speak with. Remember that this is a learning method, and not everyone will respond right away. Set an appointment with your networking specialist if they have responded and is available to meet. Get a bite to eat or a cup of coffee. Set up a phone conversation or a Skype meeting if they aren’t local to get some face-to-face time. Remember to prepare some questions ahead of time. You’ll have lots of topics to discuss if you’ve done your homework.

Maintain Your Existing Relationships While Continuing To Form New Ones

After you’ve met with your source, keep in touch with them to strengthen your bond. Perhaps you could volunteer to assist them with anything, or maybe you could accompany them to a large networking event. Keep in touch with someone regularly to build your relationship. You’ll be more memorable this way. It’s never a terrible idea to reach out to others and form new relationships. If you’ve already established a friend in your chosen field, see if they know somebody who can provide you with more information. You have nothing to lose, and you’ll only win if you’ve developed a good relationship with a source.